It’s so easy to make your own sauce, or as the Italians would say~ “Sugo”
Sugo…a.k.a. Pasta Sauce~
Ciao Tutti!
I thought I’d post a little online cooking tutorial for you to enjoy. It is broken into two parts—the original recording was too big to load it all as one.
Part One:
The recipe is from my soon-to-be released book Beyond the Pasta: Recipes, Language & Life with an Italian Family, which has an anticipated online presale date of June 1, 2010 and a release date of September 1, 2010. Soon!
Part Two:
You might be thinking, “Mark, it is so much easier to just open a jar of pre-made pasta sauce from the store.” On some basic level that might be true, but why not take the extra five minutes to make a much fresher, healthier, and better tasting sauce?
I hope this will show you how easy and rewarding it is to make sauce for 1 pound of pasta. And better yet, I hope it will encourage you to cook for someone you love—including yourself!
Buon appetito~
Marco – you are a natural! And the mirror is fabulous for this!
you have the most beautiful kitchen in the world!! I found your site linked from “Decorno”, a lovely decorating blog…anyway, I think you have the most lovely kitchen I’ve ever seen. Your blog is equally lovely and I wish you much success on your upcoming book. Cheers!